Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Raquel Mendes and Célia Casca

My friends Raquel and Célia have recently created two blogs to promote their work.

Most of my friends studied Architecture. I remember when they had models to present and had no time or skills to do it.
Raquel is a gifted Architect that makes realistic (and beautiful) architecture models. Her work is absolutely amazing. She works mainly for other architects and is now expanding her client portfolio to Uni students. If you're in Uni and need help, just email Raquel.
Her blog is called Maquetes de Arquitectura.

On a similar subject, Célia (talented artist and a Civil Engineer to be) has specialised in Feng Shui and will be giving a course in Almada next month. Her blog is called Casa do Ki.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As maquetes da Raquel são espectaculares!