Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the things I wanted to talk about

1 year has passed
On August 5th 2008, I packed my things and put myself on a plane to Lisbon.
Leaving my friends behind was very painful because I knew that I wouldn't see them again so soon .
I wanted to go back in six months and it didn't happen and now I don't know when will I be able to pay them a visit. One thing I know for sure. I 'll go straight to Ealing as soon as I can.
On the other hand I've been *very* happy since I'm back at home. Close to my boyfriend, family, friends, pets, working, it's sumer (35 ºC today!!!)... just the way I like it.
The only thing that's really missing in my life is in fact everything London has to offer, my dear Londoner friends, my salary back then and Marks and Spencer.
OK, Topshop as well.

I'm no religious person but I must say a prayer. I have to.
here it goes.
Dear God,
Please keep Dave Gahan out of trouble.
I've got a ticket to see Depeche Mode in November.
Please don't let them cancel their tour dates again.
This is a once in a lifetime concert and I bought the ticket before everyone else.
(end of prayer)


Last week had to go to the doctor.
I was having such strong migraines as I never had had before.
So strong that my ears hurt, my eyes were red and even my tonsils were sore.
every little noise I heard would be a torture.
And this lasted for 8 days!!
Now I've got lots of exams to do, I must find out where the migraines come from.
The good thing is I'll be doing a full check up..

another prayer

God, can you end my migraines?
I owe you one!


Mãe Happy said...

Nessas orações também eu entro!


Wask said...

estamos de volta dentro de semana e meia!! :)

yevgeny said...

Que medicação é que já tomaste para isso?

Poderá ser que tenhas de fazer medicação diária de profilaxia caso sofras de episódios recorrentes..

Há muitas opções e o teu médico saberá o que é melhor..(Acho eu!)

Restelo said...

As melhoras para essas exaquecas.... Quanto a vires a Londres ver os teus amigos... Falta pouco para estarem uns quantos aí... Está tudo a bazar...

Fábio Teixeira said...

sofremos da mesma maleita, as sacanas :(