Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lisboa #1

The city where I was born, the capital of Portugal, a sunny city with lots of history. A place that could be a tourism empire and is not.
This photo *can* be the first of a series.
I find Lisbon much less attractive than London and I can now say that it's even less attractive than Dublin...
Of course it's got beautiful spots but it needs care and lots of money to be revamped and not in a million years that will happen.


Dave Hodgkinson said...

Good start! More please :)

Mãe Happy said...

Pois... mais do que dinheiro, sería necessária uma mudança de mentalidade. Porque ainda não nos convencemos que não é só lá fora que existem coisas boas e bonitas para se ver!

Boa foto!
Tu dominas! ;)